Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Blog # 21: Preachers


   Have you any idea of the dogma that spews out of your mind? When one presents oneself as an apostate of absolute moral truths, I find it unfortunate that he has had not an inkling of doubt as to whether or not his zealousness is founded upon a sturdy proposition. You see, when we speak of "truth" (i.e., objective truth) we must first probe the narrow confines of our concurrent knowledge of things and the social construct at large to arrive at an "objective truth," yet I find it very unlikely that you have any notion of the truths that which you so wish to instill by your incessant moralizing and nagging; you cannot claim for yourself that you are an adherent of an ultimate truth if not at once you have not doubted their veracity. Moreover, I have the impression that what you profess to be universal truths are merely nitpicked maxims, phrases, and verses relayed handily upon you by religious leaders, who capitalized on your psychological longing for wholeness and serenity without your being aware of its implication.

      If you cannot relinquish your desire of knowing the truth, then might I suggest that you study the scriptures in-depth? And when I say depth, I meant to say that you utilize an array of deductive methods at hand (e.g., semantics, hermeneutics, anthropology, philosophy, metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, logic, theology, psychology, linguistics, etc.) and not solely on the anecdotes and accounts of the pastors or priest, whose words you take as a litany of Christ himself. Besides, the bible is a contentious volume of symbolical and metaphorical expressions that its interpretation requires a collection of various know-hows of academic and esoteric disciplines that would compel you to expend multiple hours of reading and writing before truly your opinions are of worth to the religious discourse itself -- a task that only those of the seasoned theologians can accomplish.
    My dear friend, the truth cannot simply set you free without first comprehending the nature of truth itself within the limits of human reasoning. The history of ideas tells us time and time again, that those who assert that they have seen and known everything has already proven themselves to have known nothing.

     And as for your pity to our souls, might I ask the state of yours? Perhaps I should also add that you inquire within yourself, in solitude, how much do you precisely know about that which you speak and proselytize? What truth are you preaching? Is it truth for truth's sake or an unconscious need to compensate for a deeply seated inferiority complex?
For I know that faith without reason is blind, and reason without faith is deaf.

   I am sorry if I have made an offense against your sensibilities; and so I express my humble apologies without reserve.

                                          Yours truly, K.C.


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