Monday, December 12, 2022
Stillborn Selves
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Notes of Soliloquy
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Friday, September 9, 2022
"Where are the apologists?"
At the very onset of the election period, everyone fancied themselves to be a political analyst par excellence: somewhat along the lines of a seasoned thinker whose range spans the spectrum of nuanced political philosophy. They were more than willing to die and barter their soul to the devil such that all their moral integrity would blur and fluctuate periodically for the sake of their chosen political candidate, who, they believed, would follow the dictums of the brand of politics Duterte had initiated, they would go as far as willingly commodify and subject themselves to abject humiliation by invading every political forum and social media outlets with unrelenting and daft polemics against their respective common enemy; black propagandas abound, incessant subversion of traditionally held and empirical-based truths, uncouth political dissents, and call for the abolishment of intellectualism in lieu of the more sublime quality of philistinism to comfort the qualms of ignorant voters. Ironically though, three months later, everyone somehow forgot everything that had since occurred, for even the most neurotic imbeciles that littered the web wasn't that much concerned about how things will go from here on out since majority of them had no inkling of the political, economic, and societal schematics of how their candidate would govern this country, save for a few braindead political sophistry (e.g., "fix this or that," "do this or that," "Unity this and that," and the like), I do not think the newly elected President has any idea what he is doing most of the time other than attending lavish birthday bashes that which he knows he does best. He is a great comic relief in our political landscape, and the ultimate definition of a jest consolidating power in the guise of a populist leader --- by precisely manipulating the audience with prejudices and the proclivity of the Filipinos for nostalgia (and the general idiocy saturating the air), he will always come across as an effective political leader; for how can one know what he is doing when the general public is too oblivious to notice?
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Apotheosis Of Despair
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Disquietude of Love: The Beauty of Punch-Drunk Love
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Blog # 27: Futility
Days keep on flowing like an endless stream. Every day seems like yesterday. I cannot delineate what I feel anymore: my sensibilities are dull and numb as days go by without my having falling ill. You are perhaps the only recourse that keeps me sane from these lonely nights and the only music that resonates against the backdrop of the night sky.
Where are am I going from here? I cannot find any person with which I share daydreams and esoteric ruminations with. Indeed, there is a part of mine that chronically aches having been aloof from the rest of humanity that would not dare spare a minute of valuable time for a meaningful confabulation.
I am weary of the superficiality that saturates the air and the toxicity of masculinity that inhibits men of my sensitivity to be heard as humanly possible.The disparity between talking to a wall and a human being seems to me all the more strenuous as it collapses in of itself--- it's all the same to me now.
To whither are we moving? What divine miracle should save us from tearing this land down to its last atom? What use are words if it be taken so lightly by the common man?
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Blog # 26: A place in your world
Let me coddle and cosset you in the harshest of your winter that not the slightest whiff of air will escape from my clutch:I'll sew the seams of your chafing heart from all that you've sustained from this world;I'll iron the wrinkles of your past without judgments nor condescension; and not a day will pass without your having known that you are no less than stardust and, I, a humble mortal allured only by your splendor.
I have only in my capacity to dedicate it wholly to you without pride and regret.One of these days, I will take you strolling in these streets in the cold summer's eve and boldly stare at you blankly while you tell me the best of your days.My dear, I know not anything other than this,other than knowing you,other than longing for you,other than being with you,other than to cherish you.
For my beloved, in your life, I've seen all there is to see and everything that has lived and will eternally live.And as Neruda as my witness,
'I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul'
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Blog # 25: Sanctuary
Monday, January 24, 2022
Blog # 24: The Heights of Despair
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Blog # 23: Our Land
Was I too wrong when I plucked those flowers prematurely from their unfettered roots? Perhaps quite so. But it wasn't out of sheer malice, rather it was out of heartfelt admiration that I found befitting as a gift to a woman of your caliber --- a reputable and gracious damsel quite versed in despair.
Regardless, maybe these days I won't have to irresponsibly yank one out here and there to profess my fondness for you; because by then, I'd plant one myself for your eyes to see how I'd groom it each day to make them bloom for you, my dear. I'd make it my life's worth that it be given the finest of care: I'd water it, trim it, fertilize it, and make it thrive long enough to witness the love I've kept so dearly in my veins flourish, like a sprouting seed of a mighty oak. And I wish for you to bear witness my darling, that my ultimate desire is to secure every right and privilege to hold your hand, and more so earn your faith in matters concerning your heart.
I'd like for you to know that I have every intention of cultivating and fostering whatever piece of land you allocate for me in your heart, rest assured you will never unearth it barren of fruits, flowers, and crops from the labor of my love.
Blog # 22: Of Sense and Sensibility
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Blog # 21: Preachers
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Blog # 20: Puzzles and Pieces
You see, I've kept you so close into my heart that a seemingly innocuous shove could mean my demise, and despite this, you still are asleep, aren't you? Every single step I take is two steps backward and sidewards for you; you thither here and there to create the illusion of being everywhere yet nowhere, for what? Have I not said what your heart desires that I utter?
Should I wake you up with all the words that I still haven't said? Or should I caress you with tender touches, just to show you how it feels? Maybe I should act so cool like it is no big deal? But what can I say? I am truly, madly, deeply, and foolishly completely smitten with you. My beloved, I take refuge in your bosom, will you allow me? What a fool's game, indeed, for in puzzles and pieces, the only victor is you.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
BLOG #19: Questions of Being
Sunday, January 9, 2022
BLOG # 18: Longing for you