Saturday, November 17, 2018



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 The time when I was only a G-8 Student.  When My eccentric friend tried to serenade a G-8 Student. It was my funniest experience 😅 during my high school years. I almost died laughing...(HAHAHAHHA). So, the story goes like this... It was a cool and windy afternoon when my eccentric friend (I will no longer state his name for his own sake! HAHAHA) decided to serenade a G-8 SPA student. He informed us that he will do this embarrassing feat with us. And he asked for our help.

      So the plan goes like this, Me and our other friend will sing a song for her. So that we can give more time to our eccentric friend to be prepared. Sounds easy right? It was supposed to be just a walk in the park. But what made it difficult was the fact that my eccentric friend, doesn't know what to sing in front of the girl!! We scolded him and just decided that we sing just about all random songs! Moving on, we continued the plan. I started strumming the guitar and we sang... And then out of the blue, my friend poofs in from nowhere! (HAHAHA) He startled the girl! The girl jumped in her horses! (AHAHAAH) The best part is HE GOT REJECTED! (HAHAHA!Don't get us wrong, but we are that kind of friend that even though faced with trouble manages to just laugh it off(HAHAHA))

       So in the end, my eccentric friend got rejected. And the funniest part was when we were walking alongside the road when we heard a squeaking inside his guitar! We didn't bother to take a look, because we thought that it was just nothing. But when he started to strum the guitar and started singing... The MOUSE, SPIDER, AND COCKROACH JUMPED OUT FROM HIS GUITAR! IT IS WAS THE BEST LAUGH I'VE EVER HAD BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT WE ARE AFRAID OF THESE CREATURES! I'm afraid of cockroaches, Our other friend is afraid of mouse and that odd weird friend is afraid of spiders! Together, we screamed like little girls...(HAHAHAHAHAH)